Monday, 30 August 2010

Mummy are you making a bag?

Mummy are you making a bag? Asks my 2 year old. If I have a needle and thread in hand, that is most likely what I will be doing. I have since my teenage years been into sewing by hand, I'm the daughter of a machinist and pattern cutter. I was given a machine as a child and taught how to use it (mostly forgotten by now) but I just love to sew by hand, its sort of soothing :O)

So here are some pics of my family and sewing, I must add a disclaimer for the hubby who is a professional photographer (an ABIPP so really is proper). He took these pics on his phone in very dodgy light and didn't like doing so as he felt they wouldn't turn out very well, I think they're fine. He can do another proper shoot at a later date or I will finally try my hand at it!

Any how hope this gives an idea of the type of sewing I do :O).


  1. Lovely to have you blogging! Now visit some friends on my page and become a followere then they will visit you! Do share more of your makes :)
    ps still praying x

  2. Hello Lindsey,
    Please can you send us your email address so that we can contact you.
