Wednesday 13 October 2010

busy busy busy

I'm soooooooooo busy with work at the moment, and this is just the start of one of my busy seasons. I work for a church organising the children's stuff at the church, in schools and in the community.
I have been planning Christmas since the summer but now it all needs putting together. I'll love each event as I get to it, its just getting to it that's the issue. I love my job, I get to keep my munchkin with me most of the time (although she has started nursery an experience we are keen to expand!) and I love working with kids, they're amazing!

I'm really into crafts so any opportunity and I'll have em a craftin. This week one of my toddler groups will be making big paper fish and my Sunday infant group will be making star boxes of my design.

Back to the busyness craft wise Christmas will be all about candy canes :O) there's more to meet the eye with them! who knew they could be so meaningful. we will also be making paper Christmas villages, paper Christmas trees and of course nativity scenes. so lots of fun stuff there's loads of other stuff on the boil that's more grown up, training days to plan etc. but for me its all about the kids :O)

I was with a friend last night talking about our craft plans for a craft fair partnership (we have dreams but need to keep time and resource burdens as light as possible), she is a keen machinist, crocheter, knitter and all thing material and sewing :o). I'm much more eclectic, I love to hand sew I make bags and turn pairs of jeans into skirts. but I also like to paint, to work with wire and glass, to paper craft and when time permits scrapbook. I love to draw, I design most of the fun sheets my kids use for work and after a decade of doing them have quite a back catalogue ;O) So if anyones out there what do you like to craft? :O)

I still haven't got the hang of putting pics in the middle of post rather than at the top. Anyhoo that's me with Lilli my little one when she was a baby!(she's nearly 3 now) I'm photographer's wife so just as cobbler's children never have shoes photographer's wives hardly ever have recent pics on their computer's ;O) we're off to the local Michaelmas Fair later will try to get some up to date ones :O)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see you and your cute little girl, great to have you blogging! Enjoy all the Christmas preparation.
    Heather x
